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my space to share life's adventures

my space to share life's adventures

I have been back and forth for years on whether or not I should create a blog to share my journeys & experiences. I for one, have always had a strong love for writing and journaling.


After posting a Buzzfeed article sharing my six weeks spent living in a village in the desert of Botswana, I was lucky to have my writing noticed by a publisher. Before I knew it, I was offered a contract that included royalty, and my book was published for the world to read.


While I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to say the least, the process that unfolded after working with publishers and editors and third parties turned my love of writing and my personal experiences into a form of “work” and a part-time “job”. Even with pay, I think the experience changed the way I perceived my love to write. It was also a bit awkward to know that others were reading my inner most feelings toward very personal events. To this day, I have yet to read my own book after the final products were printed.


My love for traveling and adventure grew greater, and my desire to keep my words private grew stronger. I never wanted my trips or experiences to become “work” again, and I wanted to enjoy being present without worrying about “content” and media. I turned to pictures and creating videos, and for me that sufficed.


But even still, I was occasionally typing personal notes and privately journaling throughout these adventures. As time went on, more and more friends, acquaintances, and even strangers were reaching out to me asking me for advice and travel tips- asking me where to stay, what to do, how to afford travel on a young adult budget, you name it. At the same time, I began receiving multiple questions asking about my experience maintaining a three-way relationship between myself, my boyfriend, and his baseball career. I started to notice that I would find previous conversations and copy and paste my responses or travel tips, and it became repetitive.


I finally realized that it would be beneficial for me to have one common space to share my experiences, to answer questions I often receive, and to hopefully show how easy it is to follow your dreams and make things happen. Life is possible!


I vow to keep this “personal” and to never make it feel like “work”. I vow to stay away from social media pressure and to keep this light and something fun for myself to create. These are my feelings and my own words. I hope you enjoy a look into my life and I hope to inspire you in even the slightest way.

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